well shit, guess the moment has passed
by the time anyone reads this, it's probably next year, so
SO, what's happening
Merrymaking 2 has been postponed, nobody was ready for christmas
I have been very lazy recently, and have been spending time with my family
so not alot to show
but I do have some sheets
Too much stuff breaks for me to make a CS6 version
also no CS6 version, just too lazy
next year, I will hopefully be able to make some sort of solo offering, along with some collab clips, Merrymaking 2, and maybe an original collab of my own
That being said, I'm starting to feel myself drift away from madness
I don't watch madness content as much as I did last year, or the year before, and I am interacting with the community less
but maybe that's a good thing
you know Bill Wurtz?
When asked how he makes his music sound so unique, he explained he just "lives under a rock", not taking inspiration from other music artists.
Perhaps distancing myself from regular madness content may allow me to make something more original.
Or maybe not, I dunno.
Well, enough rambling, I'll probably make a sprites list some time in the next few weeks, but other than that, adios.