Man day
Yeah not feeling it right now
But I contributed to some things this year
The reshade pack, Hank has been excluded because I don't want to work on him
The clip with Zach H's sprites I mentioned in a previous news post. Special thanks to Brutal Revolver and Zach H for assistance with the gore, thanks to Bobby for sound work, and apologies to Shadz for making him constantly re-render the collab because I was late on my clip and kept making tiny changes lol.
I uh... made muzzle flashes
They are recreations of krinkels muzzle flashes
MPN Animated Trailer
I uh... made muzzle flashes
These ones are more original though, and I might release them later on, so look out for that.
Other stuff
Don't be surprised if I remove some of this stuff.
Random thought
Thomas the Tank Engine is making a more pronounced presence in my life, I am not complaining. I repaired an old Trackmaster Thomas and got him working after years of him rotting in a cupboard, sitting with corroded parts caused by a leaking battery. It's been nice to revisit those joyful childhood memories, not a single bad thought came with them. I feel like Thomas was one of the things that inspired me to create and animate, and I am very thankful to the talent behind the original series for making my early years so bright.
What's next?
Another weapon sheet is being worked on, containing more advanced styles, and old weapons that I don't intend to use much anymore. A regular Madness collab is being planned but is extremely early in production, and a solo is still in the conceptualization phase. I'll probably make a news post that is a sprites list.
Update: did a scene of solo
one more thing
Merrymaking 2 is in production
Maybe I'll go more in depth on Christmas, I have thoughts, but I'm not in the mood.